Platform for BetterDecision Making

EzAlts is a SaaS based pre-investment due diligence, networking and knowledge sharing platform that enables those in the Alternatives Investments space to share, connect, learn and interact for greater transparency and better decision making.

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Platform Features

Through the interlacing of technology, relationships, connection and information, EzAlts Inc addresses the unique challenges of the evolving and growing Alternatives Investments asset class that operates in resource biased environments, to pioneer transparency in this space. 

Connect And Engage

Build / customize your publicly viewable profile by entering your information in an intuitive set of screens containing relevant data points. Display as much or as little information about yourself or your firm as you like. Use advanced user search options to find the community members you’d want to connect with; save them as your favorite if you like. Interact with other community members using the Offline Messaging option when they are not available or in real time using our advanced Text, Audio and Video Chat options


Create, schedule, manage and conduct private or public Business Development, Sales, Marketing, Client, Team and Community Outreach Events and Meetings with ease. Group your connections and team members into Private or Public groups to create multiple connection universes within the EzAlts platform – an always available digital platform.
  • Private / Public Events,  Meetings and Webinars
  •  Online and In-person Events and Meetings
  •  Private / Public Groups
  •  Event and Group Search

Alternative Investments space has its fair share of highly complex, esoteric and bespoke ways, products and services! You might want to know more about a financial advisor, a new fund launch or an Alternative Investment product. a financial advisor may want to know more about a fund that he would want to consider promoting, an Asset Manager might want to find out whether they can accept capital contributions from non-accredited investors there’s no shortage of questions over here. Use Discussions and Event Slates to ask questions to the EzAlts Alternative Investments community so you can form your own opinion, conduct due diligence on matters that might be preventing you from making a buying, selling or hiring decision


  •  Discussions
  •  Event Slates
Share And Learn
We, as a firm, strongly believe in transparency, open and unhindered sharing of knowledge, information and opinions. Use our completely open publications module to individually or collaboratively create and share your take on all things Alternatives. Showcase your thought leadership to the most dedicated Alternative Investments community ever built. Securely and efficiently share documents and media within your teams, clients and servicers. See what’s popular and gaining popularity within the EzAlts community through our Trending module.
Grow And Compete

Grow your digital footprint, enable secure, seamless team communications, enhance operational efficiency and provide incredible client service by onboarding your teams and clients to the EzAlts platform. Manage Team and Client onboarding, off boarding and control by using easy to use, intuitive, self servicing administrative tools predominantly available only to very large enterprises.


Stay Connected

Remain informed about the activity of your favorites via email updates and stay in touch with community members via offline messaging when they are not active on the EzAlts platform. Receive the EzAlts Newsletter on a periodic basis to remain abreast of industry news, trends and new platform features.


  •  Updates and Real Time Notifications
  •  Offline Messaging
  •  Periodic Newsletters

An Inbound Solution To Your Business Challenges

EzAlts enables Investors, Advisors and Asset Managers to cut through the noise and gain access to unbiased data, necessary and affordable communication and collaboration tools, providing greater transparency for better decision making.
Stay Connected

Remain informed about the activity of your favorites via email updates and stay in touch with community members via offline messaging when they are not active on the EzAlts platform. Receive the EzAlts Newsletter on a periodic basis to remain abreast of industry news, trends and new platform features.

Connect and Engage

Build / customize your publicly viewable profile by entering your information in an intuitive set of screens containing relevant data points. Display as much or as little information about yourself or your firm as you like. Use advanced user search options to find the community members you’d want to connect with; save them as your favorite if you like. Interact with other community members using the Offline Messaging option when they are not available or in real time using our advanced text, audio, and video chat options.


Create, schedule, manage and conduct private or public Business Development, Sales, Marketing, Client, Team and Community Outreach Events and Meetings with ease. Group your connections and team members into Private or Public groups to create multiple connection universes within the EzAlts platform – an always available digital platform.


Alternative Investments space has its fair share of highly complex, esoteric and bespoke ways, products and services! You might want to know more about a financial advisor, a new fund launch or an Alternative Investment product; a financial advisor may want to know more about a fund that he would want to consider promoting, an Asset Manager might want to find out whether they can accept capital contributions from non-accredited investors there’s no shortage of questions over here. Use Discussions and Event Slates to ask questions to the EzAlts Alternative Investments community so you can form your own opinion, conduct due diligence on matters that might be preventing you from making a buying, selling or hiring decision.

Share and Learn

We, as a firm, strongly believe in transparency, open and unhindered sharing of knowledge, information and opinions. Use our completely open publications module to individually or collaboratively create and share your take on all things Alternatives. Showcase your thought leadership to the most dedicated Alternative Investments community ever built. Securely and efficiently share documents and media within your teams, clients and servicers. See what’s popular and gaining popularity within the EzAlts community through our Trending module.

Grow and Compete

Grow your digital footprint, enable secure, seamless team communications, enhance operational efficiency and provide incredible client service by onboarding your teams and clients to the EzAlts platform. Manage Team and Client onboarding, offboarding and control by using easy to use, intuitive, self servicing administrative tools predominantly available only to very large enterprises.

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Proin dolor venenatis quis egestas quis ante.
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Class aptent sociosqu litora torquen conubia.

Our Platform Features

EzAlts enables Investors, Advisors and Asset Managers to cut through the noise and gain access to unbiased data, necessary and affordable communication and collaboration tools, providing greater transparency for better decision making.

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Stay Connected
Remain informed about the activity of your favorites via email updates and stay in touch with community members
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Connect And Engage
Build / customize your publicly viewable profile by entering your information
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Alternative Investments space has its fair share of highly complex, esoteric and bespoke ways, products and services
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Create, schedule, manage and conduct private or public Business Development, Sales
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Share And Learn
as a firm, strongly believe in transparency, open and unhindered sharing of knowledge,
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Grow And Compete
Grow your digital footprint, enable secure, seamless team communications.